Posts Tagged:bethesda md podiatrists

Our Bethesda, MD, podiatrist knows that people spend a lot of time on their feet. Perhaps today you stood too long, walked too much, or crammed your feet into improperly fitted shoes. Or maybe you just had a particularly challenging workout. Of course, a professional foot massage would be the perfect ending to your long…

Our Bethesda MD podiatrist understands how spending a significant amount of time on your feet on a regular basis can leave them feeling tired and achy. With the busyness of everyday life, it’s easy to overdo it and end up putting too much stress on your body. Many factors can contribute to achy feet, but…

SYMPTOMS OF TOENAIL FUNGUS By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross Though we’ve touched briefly on what the symptoms of toenail fungus are, it’s time to take a closer look at what toenail fungus looks like and how you can tell you have it. Symptoms Of a Mild Toenail Fungal Infection Not…

COMMON CAUSES & TREATMENTS FOR CALLUSES By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross of The Podiatry Center We can all agree that feet are significant, and taking proper care of them is, too. When one area of the foot experiences more pressure or skin irritation that the rest, it can cause calluses to…

Is it time to see your Bethesda podiatrists? A referral to your Bethesda, MD, podiatrists can help identify and address your worsening symptoms and give you a plan of action to effectively relieve your discomfort. Your podiatrists in Bethesda, MD are specifically trained to understand the biomechanical structure of the foot and ankle and conditions…

At The Podiatry Center, our Bethesda, MD podiatrist wants to make sure that runners and joggers are prepared to avoid injuries and other maladies that may arise when you begin an exercise program or are training for a marathon. Some of the most common foot problems associated with jogging or running that your podiatrist in…

 Pregnancy comes with many changes to a woman’s body – some cause temporary discomfort while others can have lasting effects. If you’re experiencing foot pain while pregnant in Besthesda, MD you don’t have to just put up with it for a while. It’s important to see Dr. Ross, your favorite Bethesda, MD podiatrist to correct…

THE DANGER OF CALLUSES & HOW TO PREVENT THEM By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross Of The Podiatry Center Calluses usually aren’t a serious problem, but under the right circumstances or with the right underlying issue, they can become an issue. In severe cases, calluses get too thick to treat at home…

HOW TO HEAL YOUR TOENAIL FUNGUS AT HOME By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross If you have mild toenail fungus, there’s a very good chance that a home remedy can help you get rid of it. Though you can definitely try these with moderate to severe toenail fungus, too, as long…

If you need a great foot doctor, go see Dr. Ross.—John L.
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Don’t Miss Dr. Paul Ross' Best-Selling Books
Foot and ankle conditions can impact your life in many ways. Dr. Ross has written The Plantar Fasciitis Solution to help you make sense of your Plantar Fasciitis condition and provide hope that it is treatable. He has also authored My Damn Toes Hurt to provide a complete guide towards ending Hammer Toe pain. Download your free copies today before scheduling your appointment with our experts!
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Over 250,000 Patients Helped Since 1980 Are You Experiencing Foot Or Ankle Pain? We Can Help!
We Service The Following DC Metro Areas & Beyond
  • Annandale, VA
  • Alexandria, VA
  • Woodbridge, VA
  • Fairfax, VA
  • Burke, VA
  • Potomac, MD
  • Chevy Chase, MD
  • Silver Spring, MD
  • Rockville, MD
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • Washington, DC
The Bethesda Medical Building (301) 656-6055 8218 Wisconsin Ave Suite P-14, Bethesda, MD 20814 Get Directions Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4pm Friday 7:30am-1pm
Premier Plaza I (703) 451-2977 6120 Brandon Ave Suite 109, Springfield, VA 22150 Get Directions Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm Friday 8am-1pm (Hours may vary)
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