Haglund’s deformity is a condition that can be most simply described as a bony lump on the back of your heel. Because the protrusion often develops from wearing stiff, closed heel shoes, the condition is also commonly referred to as a “pump bump.” Our Rockville MD podiatrist provides ways to detect if you have Haglund’s…
Monthly Archives:August 2017
Our Fairfax VA podiatrist knows that “getting cold feet” is more than just an expression. You may experience cold feet for a variety of reasons–the most obvious being a lack of warmth. However, if you find that you cannot seem to warm up your feet no matter how many pairs of socks you layer on,…
One of the most common injuries our Burke VA podiatrist comes across, especially among athletes, is shin splints. Essentially, the condition is a result of weak shin muscles and tight calf muscles. Runners that run too much and too soon are often subject to the condition, but other factors can also play a part. Burke…
Our top-rated Springfield VA podiatrist says that often the secret to healing a blister on your foot is to simply leave it alone. More often than not, your body has the capability to properly heal these minor wounds without assistance. Still, daily life often has you up on your feet and wearing shoes throughout the…
If creaks, pops, and snaps are sounds that apply to your joints rather than your floorboards, you might be wondering if those sounds are cause for concern. Our 5-star Bethesda MD podiatrist can help determine if those sounds are benign or perhaps worth a second look. Do Creaky Joints Mean I Have Arthritis? Bethesda MD…