SYMPTOMS OF TOENAIL FUNGUS By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross Though we’ve touched briefly on what the symptoms of toenail fungus are, it’s time to take a closer look at what toenail fungus looks like and how you can tell you have it. Symptoms Of a Mild Toenail Fungal Infection Not…
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HOW TO HEAL YOUR TOENAIL FUNGUS AT HOME By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross If you have mild toenail fungus, there’s a very good chance that a home remedy can help you get rid of it. Though you can definitely try these with moderate to severe toenail fungus, too, as long…
CAUSES OF TOENAIL FUNGUS By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross How is toenail fungus caused? There are a number of ways people can “catch” a toenail fungus, and there are a variety of different types of fungus or mold that can cause toenail fungus if contact or exposure occurs. Cause #1:…
WHAT IS TOENAIL FUNGUS? By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross Put simply, onychomycosis (or toenail fungus) is an infection on or under the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When a toenail infection is present, the nail may lift from the nail bed allowing debris to get in. The infection…
THE MOST COMMON NAIL DISEASE: TOENAIL FUNGUS By Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross What Is Toenail Fungus? Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis or tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that affects the nails. It may begin as a discoloration on the tip of the nail, usually yellow, and nails eventually…