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A Good Foot Massage Chevy Chase M D PodiatristYou are on your feet all of the time. The pressure of carrying the weight of your body is placed upon your feet as you go through your activities while walking, running or bending. Individuals with structural misalignments benefit more from a foot massage. Your podiatrist near Chevy Chase MD shares the benefits of good foot massage to individuals with and without other podiatry concerns.

Massage Benefits

Studies find that foot massage can assist in:

  • Sport injury recovery;
  • Soft tissue injuries or strains;
  • Myofascial pain syndrome;
  • Stress-related insomnia;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Anxiety; and
  • Headaches.

No More Scar Tissue

Massage increases blood flow to the area and can be used to reduce adhesions and restrictions from previous surgery or injury. Scar tissue can form after both a serious injury or after surgery. This tissue acts like a glue and tightens affected bands, reducing mobility and range of motion. Massage has been effectively use to break up and realign scar tissue in muscles and ligaments just below the surface of the skin. Massage is often enjoyed by patients and produces feelings of relaxation, comfort and connection.

Foot Massage Advantages

Foot Massage can include a number of specific techniques that can you feel better. Some practitioners offer reflexology as part of their treatment. Reflexology is based upon the premises that certain points of the foot are directly related to glands, organs and other areas of the body. This means that this technique can be used to address conditions that may be too sensitive or contraindicated for direct hands-on work. A practitioner can:

  • Work on the area of the head by manipulating the tips of the toes;
  • Help the intestines and lower back with touch near the heel of the foot; and
  • Benefit the kidney, pancreas and liver with pressure on the arch of the foot.

Reflexology is considered part of alternative medicine. Reflexology practitioners desire to bring the body back into a state of balance when using it in holistic approaches to wellness. Your podiatrist near Chevy Chase may suggest integrating various forms of foot massage and techniques to be used to address specific areas on the foot and ankle and other locations throughout the body.

Your podiatrist near Chevy Chase MD want you to know about the range of treatments available to benefit you and your specific condition. Call our Chevy Chase, MD area podiatry office to schedule a convenient appointment and experience a foot massage for yourself.

This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our podiatry office near Chevy Chase, MD would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.

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Caring, takes time to explain, and highly recommend! —Jodi W.
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