Most people have experienced sweaty feet at some point in their lifetime. It can be annoying and inconvenient, but it can also cause foot problems if there’s an underlying cause or if the sweating is extreme! If you suffer from sweaty feet, our specialist for vionic shoes in Bethesda wants to share some tips with you.
Causes of Sweaty Feet
Most people associate sweaty feet with exercise or simply being active in the heat. While this is true, sometimes people can have problems with sweaty feet in the winter due to overly warm boots with poor ventilation or very thick socks.
Additionally, some people just naturally have sweaty feet due to overactive sweat glands, also known as hyperhidrosis. This affects the feet as well as the hands, and can be very inconvenient and cause problems with foot health for the sufferer.
Complications of Sweaty Feet
Sweaty feet contribute to the growth of foot fungus, the development of fungal nails, and athlete’s foot. These conditions are characterized by discomfort, itching, and rash. They can lead to further complications, such as foot pain, thickened toenails, and even open sores and infection. It’s critical to prevent sweat and bacteria buildup to stop these conditions from developing.
Treatments and Prevention
Here are a few simple steps to take care of sweaty feet at home:
- Wash your feet every day with an antifungal soap to remove any fungus-causing bacteria and excess sweat.
- Use antifungal powder and antiperspirants, especially in the summer or when exercising. For people with hyperhidrosis, antiperspirants are absolutely essential to prevent sweating and preserve foot health. You can purchase these over-the-counter.
- Wear good quality socks and shoes with ventilation to ensure your feet can breathe and cool off!
If you have any symptoms of foot fungus, athlete’s foot, or just want more advice on treatments for sweaty feet, our podiatrist is more than happy to help.
Contact Our Specialist for Vionic Shoes in Bethesda Today To Schedule An Appointment!
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact The Podiatry Center, with convenient podiatry offices located in Bethesda by calling 301.660.8225 or by clicking here.