Happy Holidays and Cheerful wishes to you and yours!! Our Springfield, VA podiatrists are proud to serve you and provide the excellent care you and your families deserve. During this joyous season, our Springfield podiatrists and staff want you to know that you are the best parts of our award-winning office.
Here are some great ideas to step into the holidays and bringing great cheer!
What a great time to make a new friend. This season, foster a dog or a cat. Animal shelters can get chilly in the winter weather, which is a great reason to take a pet back to your warm home. Do you love dogs, but are not sure if you’re ready for the commitment? For this reason and more, taking care of an animal is a great way to spread love this season. This is also a great reminder to keep great circulation going by taking them for a nice walk during the holidays.
Your little counts as someone else’s much! Whether you chose to donate anonymously or in person, it only takes a few minutes to make a great impact. Before you donate, do your research and give back wisely in order to get the most impact from your donation. Many local charities need extra blankets and jackets to serve those in need and you can always keep some extra wrapped socks in your car and be a blessing to the homeless as you drive around your city.
Running for a cause is a great way to optimize great health during the holidays while giving to something very valuable. Locate local 5ks or Run/Walks in your local area. Reach out to local gyms and find out if they can recommend some local events where you can move for a cause. This will bring cheer by letting those who are being challenged with their health know that they are not alone. It will also give you the opportunity be extra thankful for what you have!
There is always a way to bring cheer and we hope that at The Podiatry Center that we provide you with that every time you visit our offices. On behalf of our Springfield, VA, podiatrists at the Podiatry Center, Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!
Any information provided above is educational and is not to be referred to as medical advice. Our Springfield, VA, podiatry office can discuss any diabetic footwear and orthotic needs surrounding your specific case of foot and ankle pain.
The Podiatry Center
Springfield, VA's Top Rated Podiatrists Specializing In Foot & Ankle Conditions
The Podiatry Center podiatrists, Dr. Ross and Dr. Pica treat all medical and surgical foot pain, ankle pain, heel pain and diabetic footwear. Dr.Ross and Dr. Pica are licensed podiatrists in Springfield, VA can help bring you relief from foot pain.
Our Springfield, VA podiatry office offers the most effective and state-of-the-art, highest quality podiatry care with a smile, to patients in our local community, including: Springfield, VA, Arlington, VA,Fairfax, VA, Burke, VA, Gaithersburg, MD, Potomac, MD, Annandale, VA, Chevy Chase, MD, Bethesda, MD, Woodbridge, VA, Rockville, MD, Silver Spring, MD and Alexandria, VA.
Get back to doing the things you love, pain-free!