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“Pins and Needles,” more formally referred to as paresthesia, is a commonly experienced sensation. Our Silver Spring MD podiatrist explains that often the sensation is a simple consequence of awkward position and pinching of nerves. While the sensation may be common, if you find you experience “pins and needles” more often than others, consult with our Silver Spring podiatrist to make sure the symptom is not a sign of a more serious condition.

Our Silver Spring MD Podiatrist Explains The “Garden Hose” Analogy

Think about your nerves as a large, intricate system of garden hoses, spanning the entire length of the body. Peripheral nerves are consistently sending messages from remote parts of your body all the way to the brain and spinal cord. This constant communication is important for proper bodily functions. However, it is not uncommon for one of these “garden hoses” or nerves to get crimped. When this occurs, the line of messages become blocked, and consequently tingling or numbness may occur in our feet.

When we feel the numbness, we instinctively move our limbs and feet to unblock the crimping, increase blood flow, and allow for messages to communicate once again. When the brain again receives the once blocked messages, this is when we experience the “pins and needles” sensation. The intensity to which you experience this tingling is dependent upon how long your nerves were compromised. In most cases, the feeling is very temporary and can be chalked up to a little extra pressure and pinched nerve or two.

Check In With Our Silver Spring MD Podiatrist If You Frequently Experience “Pins & Needles”

Should you experience “pins and needles” often, then consult with our Silver Spring podiatrist. Repeated experiences may be a sign of nerve disease. Also known as neuropathy, damage to the sensory nerves can keep sensory information from reaching the brain. This may occur in individuals who are diabetic, have a severed spinal cord, have been exposed to particular drugs and heavy metals (like lead), inherited a neuropathy condition, or are consuming large quantities of alcohol.

Likewise, inflammation of the nerves may be at the root of the occurrence. Also referred to as neuritis, inflammation can be triggered by some viral and bacterial infections, as well as deficiencies in vitamin B12.

The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact The Podiatry Center, with a convenient podiatry office location near Silver Spring MD, by clicking here or by calling 301.656.6055.

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