Many people may not consider going to a foot doctor to be an important part of their healthcare. However, it is crucial for many people! Athletes, children, and the elderly are among some people that should have regular foot checkups. Additionally, those with diabetes should establish a good relationship with a podiatrist to address any foot health concerns. Our podiatrists in Gaithersburg, MD, provide some information below.
Why See A Podiatrist?
Foot pain can affect anyone; however, foot disorders and injuries are most common in people that are highly active or have pre-existing conditions. Athletes and children are generally very active and strain their feet on a regular basis. Because of this, it’s important that they have regular checkups and a podiatrist that can assist if they begin to suffer from foot pain.
Additional groups that benefit from foot doctors are people with diabetes and the elderly. The elderly may have more problems with the joints in their feet due to age, and have difficulty cutting their toenails or otherwise maintaining their feet. People with diabetes usually have neuropathy (nerve damage) in their feet, and high risk of foot ulcers and infection, and greatly benefit from regular podiatrist visits.
Symptoms Of Foot Problems
Symptoms will differ depending on the cause of your foot problem, but the most common symptoms include:
- Pain in the heel of the foot
- Pain along the bottom of the foot
- Difficulty walking
- A sore that won’t heal
- Thick, yellow toenails
Our podiatrist can help explain these symptoms and quickly diagnose and treat your foot problem.
Treatment And Prevention
Our podiatrist can provide treatment for foot problems such as arthritis, fungal infection, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, and more. Treatments can include rest, supportive boots, and even surgery if necessary. Our podiatrist can recommend prevention methods such as stretching before exercise and wearing properly fitting shoes.
Contact Our Podiatrists in Gaithersburg, MD, Today To Learn More!
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact The Podiatry Center, with convenient podiatry offices located in Gaithersburg, VA, by calling 301.660.8225 or by clicking here.