No one likes it when they get a blister on their foot, and our podiatrist in Kensington, MD, often gets asked whether popping a blister is a good or bad idea. The most important questions to ask yourself if you are considering popping your blister are these…
When Is It Safe to Lance a Blister? Our Podiatrist in Kensington, MD, Explains!
Question #1: Do you really NEED to lance your blister?
If your blister isn’t likely to cause you extreme discomfort, and if it isn’t likely to tear open on its own, then the safest thing to do is always to leave the blister alone. For example, is it possible for you to simply sit on the couch with your feet up for a while? Would a change of footwear stop any chafing against the blister? If this is possible, then enjoy the excuse to relax while your foot heals naturally!
On the other hand, if you must be on your feet all day for work, or if you are wearing shoes or engaging in an activity that is likely to open your blister anyway, then you should go ahead and consider these next questions…
Question #2: Can you open the blister in a clean environment?
As long as your blister is still closed, your risk of infection in your foot is low. Once your skin gets punctured, however, germs will be able to enter through your blister. If you think your blister is a pain to deal with, trust us – an infection will be much worse!
According to our podiatrist in Kensington, MD, if you are somewhere filled with germs, such as in the middle of a run, out in the woods, or in a house that does not have a clean room with proper tools, then you are probably better off leaving your blister intact.
Question #3: Do you have the right sterile equipment?
A clean environment won’t mean much if you pop your blister with dirty hands and dirty tools. Always wash your hands and your foot thoroughly before you touch that blister!
Don’t use your nails to pop your blister, either. No matter how well you clean, chances are good you still have germs under your nails. Instead, puncture the blister with a sterilized tool such as a scalpel or hypodermic needle.
Question #4: Do you have diabetes or an immunocompromised disease?
If you have diabetes or any other ailment where your body struggles to fight off infection, then the best thing to do is always to call your podiatrist in Kensington, MD, for advice. The momentary relief of a popped blister is simply not worth the risk of major infection or worse!
Do You Have More Questions for Our Podiatrist in Kensington, MD?
Our experienced podiatrist in Kensington, MD, would be happy to help you resolve your blister safely and comfortably. Give us a call at The Podiatry Center for an appointment today!
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact The Podiatry Center, with a convenient podiatry office near Kensington, MD, by clicking here or by calling 301.656.6055.