Many people think bunions are an ailment only experienced by adults, but our Chevy Chase bunion doctor has successfully treated pediatric bunions as well. If your child appears to have a bunion on their foot, it’s important to understand how a child's bunion differs from adult bunions – and how it should be treated differently. Our expert podiatrist from The Podiatry Center is here to explain!
Learn the Difference Between Adult & Child Foot Care from Our Chevy Chase Bunion Doctor
What Is a Bunion?
A bunion occurs when the joint in your big toe becomes misaligned. The big toe begins to point inward toward the smaller toes. In adults, there can also be some bony overgrowth that creates the prominent bump on the side of the foot. In children, however, this bony overgrowth tends not to occur.
According to our Chevy Chase bunion doctor, the pain and discomfort caused by bunions can keep your child from engaging in physical activity such as sports and running. If you suspect your child has a bunion, therefore, you should not wait to seek treatment for it.
What Causes Bunions in Children?
Children who suffer from bunions typically get them because of a genetic predisposition. If your child is flat footed, this can also exacerbate a bunion and cause it to form more quickly.
How Is Pediatric Bunion Treatment Different from Treatment for Adults?
The most important difference between bunion treatment for children and adults is the choice whether to have surgery. Unless a child is suffering from significant pain, bunion experts agree that surgery should be avoided while bones in your child’s feet are still growing and developing.
In lieu of surgery, your town bunion doctor will likely recommend proper footwear that avoids chafing against the big toe joint. Custom orthotics may also help, especially if your child has flat feet. In certain cases, toe spacers or toe splints may help the foot maintain its proper structure.
Ultimately, your child’s bunion cannot be reversed, but these proactive steps may be able to help it from getting any worse. If you believe your child has a bunion, it is important not to wait. Bring your child to an experienced podiatrist in Chevy Chase, MD, who will be able to evaluate your child’s feet and recommend the best path of treatment.
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact The Podiatry Center, with a convenient podiatry office near Chevy Chase, MD, by clicking here or by calling 301.656.6055.